Child-Centered Disaster Planning

Geçici Barınma Alanlarına Kız Çocuk Odaklı Bakış (A Girl-Centered Perspective on Temporary Shelters)
Project Period: 2023
Proje Partneri: Suna's Daughters
After the earthquakes on February 6, 2023, which affected 11 of our provinces, we initiated efforts in solidarity with individuals and organizations working in the field of children's rights in the earthquake zone based on our past experiences. With the financial support of EMpower and in collaboration with Suna's Daughters, we prepared two reports evaluating the conditions of temporary shelters in the earthquake region from a girl-centered perspective.
During our visits to temporary shelters in Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Gaziantep, and Adıyaman, the provinces most affected by the earthquakes, from March 9-12, 2023, we examined the spatial conditions of the shelters in terms of the well-being of girls and made observations. You can access the report "A Girl-Centered Perspective on Temporary Shelters in the Earthquake Zone: Evaluation of Spatial Conditions and Child Services" by clicking the link.
Hayat Parkı (Park of Life)
Project Period: 2023-2024
Project Partner: Fisa Children's Rights Center/OXFAM/KEDV
In the playground project conducted on a plot defined by the Adıyaman Municipality, design workshops were held with children aged 7-14 and 15-17 who benefited from psychosocial support services provided by the Fisa Children's Rights Center. The needs identified in these design workshops were transformed into a spatial project and constructed. In the area handed over to Adıyaman Municipality for use, there is a workshop where art workshops can be conducted, but the interior arrangements have not yet been completed.