Urban Ecology Program

Program Goals

Yaşadığımız çevreyle ilgili temel ekolojik bilgileri, kentlerin doğal kaynaklarını, yaşam alanlarını paylaştığımız türleri çocuklara aktarmak

Kentlere yapılan müdahalelerin halk sağlığı bağlamında çocuklara olası etkileri üzerine araştırma, izleme ve savunuculuk faaliyetleri yürütmek

Kentin doğal kaynakları, canlı türleri, doğal miras alanlarıyla ilgili çocuk yayınları üretmek

Kentsel ekoloji alanında farklı kentsel deneyimleri buluşturan uluslararası ağlar kurmak, çocuk ve gençlerin bu ağlara aktif katılımını sağlamak

Kentlere yapılan müdahalelerin ekolojik sonuçları, iklim ve biyoçeşitlilik krizi hakkında nitelikli bilgi ve araştırmaları, savunuculuk faaliyetlerini çocuklara erişilebilir kılmak

Çocukların kentsel ekoloji alanında yürüttüğü savunuculuk faaliyetlerini ve akran öğrenmesini desteklemek

Ekoloji topluluklarıyla, eğitim paydaşlarını, çocuk hakları alanında çalışan sivil toplum kuruluşları arasında köprü kurmak; yapıcı işbirlikleri geliştirilmesini sağlamak

Flora İstanbul

Project Period: 2021

Project Partner: EU Sivil Düşün

Funded by the EU Sivil Düşün and carried out in collaboration with the Müze Gazhane, Flora Istanbul is a project that aims to make the flora of Istanbul visible to children, focusing on their relationship with nature.

Within the scope of the project, a printed map was prepared with gamified routes under five main themes. These themes were Nature and Children, Urban Gardening, Urban Culture and Memory, Edibility and Healing, Botanical Gardens, and Plant Detectives. Workshops and a webinar series were organized for children around these themes.

With the second edition of the Flora Istanbul map, we continue to conduct workshops and create educational content.

You can access the interviews conducted within the project through the link.

Suyun Peşinde İstanbul (In Pursuit of Water Istanbul)

Project Period: 2022-2023

Project Partner: CultureCIVIC

Supported by the EU CultureCIVIC, In Pursuit of Water Istanbul is a project that invites children aged 5 and above and everyone to think about the concept of urban heritage with a focus on "water."

Within the scope of the In Pursuit of Water Istanbul project, we organized public talks and workshops addressing different components of Istanbul's water culture. At the end of the project, we published an illustrated children's book explaining the water cycle and Istanbul's water systems.

Our book, Istanbul's Eyes, written by Simla Sunay and illustrated by Gökçe Akgül, was selected for the honor list of the International Youth Library.

You can access the interviews conducted within the project through the link.

*To reach more children with the illustrated children's book Istanbul's Eyes, published as part of the In Pursuit of Water Istanbul project, we are sending it free of charge to civil society organizations working with children.

You can request the book by filling out the form.

Okulum Nerede? (Where is My School?)

Project Period: 2022-2023

Project Partner: Hisar Schools-Enka Schools

We are working to reinforce children's relationship with the city from the perspective of the right to the city, to strengthen their geographical knowledge with the environment surrounding the school, to develop design-oriented thinking skills, to create a ground for discussing spatial problems, and to integrate these studies into the curriculum in school environments.

In our project conducted with middle and high school groups from Hisar Schools and Enka Schools during the 2022-2023 academic year, we explored the school surroundings with children through workshop content inspired by place-based education methods. After completing the workshops, children shared their experiences and reflections on the right to the city, their relationship with the city, and their workshop experiences at the Schools Meeting.

We believe that one of the most important steps in creating livable cities is the participation of educational stakeholders, and in this context, we plan to develop and disseminate the studies carried out in the program.

Our illustrator, Ipek Kay, visualized the surroundings of Hisar and Enka schools, the routes of our walks with students, and the spatial suggestions highlighted by our students. You can view the studies conducted during the 2022-2023 academic year from the link and our school environment maps produced during this period below.