Cultural Heritage Program

Program Goals

Kentlerin tarihi gelişim süreçleri, önemli mimari ve kültürel yapıları hakkındaki bilgileri çocuklara erişilebilir kılmak

Kültürel alanda faaliyet gösteren kurum ve kuruluşların çocuk dostu politika, program ve içerik geliştirmesine katkı sunmak

Kültürel miras alanlarına ilişkin nitelikli bilgi, araştırma ve çocuk yayınları üretmek

Kültürel miras alanlarına ilişkin yeniden yapılanma, yenileme, renovasyon, sergileme süreçlerinde çocuk katılımını sağlamak

Kültür kurumlarıyla eğitim ve çocuk hakları alanında çalışan sivil toplum paydaşlığını güçlendirmek

Kültürel miras bileşenlerinin eğitim müfredatlarında yer almasını sağlamak

Çocuklar İçin Beyoğlu (Beyoğlu for Kids)

Project Period: 2019

Project Partner: EU Sivil Düşün

In the Beyoğlu for Kids project, which we carried out with the financial support of the Sivil Düşün EU Program and in collaboration with İKSV Alt Kat and the Chamber of Architects of TMMOB, we conducted workshops with children living in five different neighborhoods of Beyoğlu. By combining the Beyoğlu experienced by children with the cultural heritage elements of the district, we produced an illustrative map. With this map, suitable for children aged 5 and above, children can experience Beyoğlu’s historical and cultural components through stickers and sensory games.

We continue to organize walks and incorporate educational content using the Beyoğlu for Kids map, which is published in both English and Turkish.

İstanbul'u Okuyorum (Reading Istanbul)

Project Period: 2020

Project Partner: Turkish Publishers Association

Funded by the Turkish Publishers Association's Reading Culture Platform, Reading Istanbul is a project that introduces children aged 5 and above to the historical peninsula within the framework of reading culture venues. During the pandemic period, we learned through social media channels about the places children most enjoyed visiting in the historical peninsula. In the series of talks titled "Authors of Istanbul for Children Talk," we hosted children's authors and illustrators. By the end of the project, we distributed a printed map featuring cognitive and sensory games to 4000 children. The digital map created was made accessible to teachers as educational material.

We continue to organize walks and incorporate educational content using the Historical Peninsula for Kids map.

You can access the interviews conducted within the scope of the project through the link.

Şehrin Pusulası: Çocuklar (City Compass: Children)

Project Period: 2022

Project Partner: Hempa Children's Association - Sabancı Foundation

Supported by the Sabancı Foundation and carried out by the Hempa Children's Association in cooperation with City Detective, the City Compass: Children project aims to raise awareness of urban rights and increase the sense of belonging to the city among children with limited socio-economic opportunities living in Ankara.

As part of the project, workshop contents were prepared in cooperation with City Detective to help children better understand the city they live in. As a project output, a route including important buildings where children can learn about the firsts of the Republic era in Ankara, historical houses unique to Ankara, museums, and parks was created, and the Ankara Map for Children was published.

Bil Bakalım: Teknoloji ve İnovasyonda Kadınlar (Guess Who?)

Project Period: 2022

Project Partner: Aygaz, Suna’s Girls, Rahmi Koç Museum

In the W-Energy for Kids program, carried out with Aygaz, Suna’s Girls, and Rahmi Koç Museum, we prepared an animation for the Discovery Globe at the Rahmi Koç Museum. In the interactive content titled "Guess Who?", riddles are used to explain the role of women in technology and the inventions of women inventors, aiming to break potential stereotypes in children's minds and reinforce the perception that innovation is part of everyday life. This animation is expected to be watched by 100,000 children by 2026.

Outside Rahmi Koç Museum, we developed workshop content in the context of urban heritage at Museum Gazhane, Pera Museum, and İKSV Alt Kat.

Within the scope of the Cultural Heritage Program, we continue to develop workshop content, walks, and interactive narrations for the exhibition programs of museums.